let none of us forget that Godfrey Bloom was elected as a member of UKIP and that UKIP members have voted 2 to 1 CONCLUSIVELY against its MEPs being members of Pan EU Political Party Groups - Yet Godfrey Bloom is in flagrant disregard being President of One to get himself extra money and a member of another thus lining the pocket of his chum Nigel Farage.
Bloom is himself President of The Pan EU Alliance for Freedom, which is very much alive - it has a website, it has a photograph of presumably UKIP members gathered behind a great banner with UKIP's logo underneath its own, and claims: "The EAF participated in a call by the British people, demanding a referendum". That's hardly 'history'. It was only the day before yesterday!
They demean UKIP and their respective Pan EU Groupings by making such claims!
As to be fair it is hard to see what Bloom's Groups - either The EFD or The PEUAF had to do with the 125,000 signature put to Parliament by Nikki Sinclaire can be belatedly claimed as part of their remit when both Godfrey Bloom and Nigel Farage have received a Court JUDGEMENT against them for their dishonesty and abuse of Nikki Sinclaire seemingly doing almost all they could to aid The EU by effectively trying to sabotage the Petition campaign for a Referendum which won the right to a debate in Westminster and the momentous step forward towards leaving the EU.
What is now essential is to follow up this victory by concentrating on doing the job that UKIP was elected to do in the first place - NOT act as an enrichment source for a small claque forming UKIP Leadership and its parasites.
The job UKIP should have done long ago but is clearly incapable of and thus unfit for purpose is to provide an Exit & Survival Strategy for these United Kingdoms from The EU and educate through training programmes of its members the entire British and Northern Irish electorate in both the benefits AND the reassurance that we can and will suffer no damage nor risk in leaving The EU and repatriating our democracy and restoring our Sovereign Independence as a global trading nation.
One wonders if Bloom's PEP will qualify for 2012 funding and will therefore be gone after the end of this year? That's quite possible. In fact with the vile specimens in UKIP's Pan EU Political Party EFD one wonders how it can survive as clearly it is only held together for the enrichment of the few rather than based upon either the principles, ethics or interests of the many!
We note the extremism, racism, anti Judaism and abuse of homosexuals of Farage's personal cash cow the EFD; also that the Hungarian MEP Krisztina Morvai left the PEUAF at the end of July claiming 'differences' with the Austrian Freedom Party, but which possibly had more to do with the fact that she was also a member of another PEP, the AENM, and funding rules prohibit MEPs from belonging to more than one.
On this count alone one wonders how Bloom passes muster!
Her departure from the PEUAF may well also have left the group short of elected representation in the required minimum seven member states. The EFD would also be hovering around failure on the basis of numbers - although more than enough sordid people live off the EU as elected representatives to the scam not to mention its self serving apparatchiks and over paid over blown demie gods - it seems there are inadequate to sustain more than one extremist group without their falling out on a regular basis, seemingly over their levels of hatred and abuse where self interest in money seems their only real motivation!
Can anyone advise where a listing of these grubby little scams has managed to put in a funding application for next year?
Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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